My three years at UMKC were a rewarding time for me. I graduated from UMKC with Masters of Higher Education Administration. As a nonnative English speaker student, I faced so many challenges. I could not have achieved the success without support of my professors. I am so grateful for the inclusive emotional and educational supports that I have received from Dr. Michelle Maher and Dr. Tiffani Riggers-Piehl. They taught theories and practices in parallel with their support to show us how a higher education professional looks; they also challenged us to grow. I am honored to work for Metropolitan Community College and have the opportunity to apply what I learned in this program to assist and support students in their educational journey. My professors’ support made me realize what kind of support student might need and how it can be resolved. I am more confident than ever that this is the career path. I am passionate to continue in my life.
The Higher Education program at UMKC gave me the solid foundation I needed to really succeed in my career. Although I began working in higher education shortly before I started the program, my only real experience in this field came from being a college student myself and on-the-job training. The faculty at UMKC gave their students innovative and thought-provoking
assignments, strong foundational background knowledge, and encouraged class discussions amongst our peers on a variety of topics. I currently work as an Academic Advisor at Loyola University Chicago, and I can attribute this program for helping me secure this role only two months after graduation. I am a proud product of the Higher Education program at UMKC.
The Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration program at UMKC has helped me in multiple ways. Through the program, I gained perspective in areas including leadership, equity, and student affairs that will help me wherever my career leads. The faculty members care about each student, and you can count on them giving you real world examples and experiences that will help you in your career. One of my favorite parts was how the program provides a great opportunity to become friends with individuals who are in or preparing to be in a Higher Education leadership role. The program helped me to develop more as a leader and I enjoyed the variety of opportunities the program has provided me.
As a student in the Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration program, I have grown tremendously in my knowledge of higher education as a profession. I have had the opportunity to take what I learned in the classroom and apply it directly to my professional life. The coursework fits with my full-time work schedule and the professors within the program have been great. I am grateful for the opportunities and times within the program and would strongly recommend it to anyone looking to advance as a higher education professional.
The MAHE program at UMKC provided me with the theoretical foundation to support students at every stage of their higher education journey, while also teaching me how to view research, practices, and challenges in the field through a high-level frame. The MAHE faculty are talented and motivated to help students grow in and outside the classroom, and the program is committed to equity in higher education. I highly recommend UMKC MAHE for any aspiring or current student affairs professionals!
My journey through the MAHE program was eye-opening, transformative, and extremely enlightening. I came in unsure about my ability to adapt to the workforce and graduated as an individual ready to promote philanthropy through a newfound intellect. The diversity within professionals and course content helped me create a forward-thinking mindset to guiding the next generation. The two-year experience is one I wouldn’t trade for anything and am glad to be a ROO Alumni.
The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) MA in Higher Education Administration program was the preparation that I needed to join other practitioners in the field. The program introduced me to concepts, theories, and ideals that now help me support student development. The program offered me the opportunity to work with some of the best faculty and cultivate relationships with some of the best in the field. Also, the program was created for working professionals. I was able to work full-time and attend school full-time. Additionally, the program has reaffirmed my passion and dedication to Higher Education.
The Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration program at UMKC has been enriching. The professors in our program go out of their way to connect with students. The MAHE program has helped me strengthen my leadership and advising skills immensely. I pursued the MAHE program to effect change in college students’ lives while reducing the barriers within higher education. I am wholeheartedly thankful to the UMKC Higher Education Administration program faculty and staff members for helping me become the person I am today! I would strongly recommend UMKC MAHE for any students wishing to pursue student affairs!