Program Statement, Goals and Curriculum

Program Statement

The PhD in Clinical Psychology is a full-time program of graduate study designed to train health service psychologists who are competent scientist-practitioners, with a life-long commitment to individual and cultural differences and to the ethical practice of health service psychology. The program faculty are committed to preparing health service psychologists to improve the welfare of individuals and communities, broadly defined, through: incorporating respect for inclusivity and the cultural and environmental contexts that contribute to human diversity in all our activities (human mission), rigorous training in the science and applied practice of clinical psychology (education mission); engaging in our communities through advocacy, prevention and the provision of health services (service mission); developing knowledge and enhancing human health, development, resilience, and functioning through contributions to empirical literature on practice and theory (research and evaluation mission). Based on a scientist-practitioner model, the program’s training and services are grounded in a commitment to the integration of science and practice and the conduct of evidence-based practice, defined as the integration of scientific evidence and clinical judgement within the context of culture and values. Students and graduates are bound to the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, as well as the APA Professional Practice Guidelines addressing multiple aspects of human diversity ( Graduates of the program are anticipated to enter employment in a variety of settings including but not limited to: VA or other medical centers, counseling and community centers, private practice, and academic settings.

Program Goals

Goal 1: To provide students with knowledge and skills in working with diverse groups of individuals in professional contexts. This includes the application of multicultural values with psychological science and practice to reduce health disparities and promote equality and psychological well-being for all.

Goal 2: To provide students with knowledge and skills in the evaluation, conduct, and dissemination of general psychological and clinical health services research, as well as an understanding of psychology as a scientific discipline.

Goal 3: To provide students with entry-level skill in the delivery of evidence-based psychological and clinical health services intended to prevent and treat mental health concerns for all people, promote positive growth, and facilitate optimal human functioning.

Goal 4: To provide students with knowledge of ethical and professional principles and to promote ethical conduct and high professional standards in research and clinical situations, as well as professional and transdisciplinary/interdisciplinary relationships.

Program Curriculum

Clinical Emphasis (total: 28 cr)
CPCE 5503 (Diagnosing and Treatment Planning) 3
PSYCH 5509 (Assessment 1: Intellectual and Cognitive Assessment) 3
PSYCH 5510 (Assessment Methods in Personality) 3
CPCE 5530 (Skills for Counseling and Psychotherapy) 3
PSYCH 5632 (Evidence-Based Practice) 3
CPCE 5551 (Pluralistic) 3
PSYCH 5586 (Supervision & Consultation) 3
PSYCH 5501 (Introduction to Health Service Psychology) 1
Electives 6
Psychology Core (total: 15 cr)
PSYCH 5521 (Advanced Social Psych) 3
PSYCH 5507 (Cognitive Psych) 3
PSYCH 5518 (Advanced Biopsych) 3
PSYCH 5515 (Advanced Systems and History of Psych) 3
PSYCH 5522 (Advanced Developmental Science) 3
Research/Statistics (total: 15 cr)
PSYCH 5516 (Quantitative Analysis I: Regression And Analysis Of Variance) 3
PSYCH 5517 (Quantitative Analysis II: Advanced Topics In Regression And Multivariate Data Analysis) 3
PSYCH 5625 (Survey of Research in Health Service Psychology) 3
PSYCH 5538 (Develop & Eval of Assessment Tools) 3
EDRP 5611 (SEM) OR EDRP 5613 (HLM) OR EDRP 5615 (Qualitative Research Theory & Design) 3
Practicum/Internship (total:13 cr)
PSYCH 5650 (Clinical Practicum) 10 (minimum)
PSYCH 5660 (Psychology Internship) 3
Supervised Research (total:13 cr)
PSYCH 5599 (Thesis) 3
PSYCH 5699 (Research and Dissertation) 10
Total credits: 84