Kansas Licensure

The process outlined here is for students who have completed their academic program in teacher education, counseling, or K-12 school administration and are wishing to apply to Kansas for licensure. You will need to complete the appropriate grade-level Praxis II: Principles of Learning and Teaching exam for the state of Kansas for initial teaching certification.

  1. Start by going to: http://www.ksde.org/. Under “Teaching & Learning” find and select “Educator Licensure“.
  2. Select “License Applications” found under Licensure.
  3. Locate the “Fingerprint Card Order Form“. Complete the form and select “Submit“.
  4. Locate “Form 2 – Initial Out-of-State Application” and select Review Requirements and Access Form”.
  5. From the Initial Out-of-State application, you will access the Kansas Licensure Application System website.
  6. Follow the steps to complete the registration process. Select 2. KLAS-Use only for Form 3a or Form 2 menu option to access the application form you need.
  7. Fill in the form and submit. For contact information for your educator preparation program, you will include Brad Martens (martensbm@umkc.edu) 816-235-2887 as the person of contact. Make sure to upload a copy of your Missouri Teaching License, Missouri Content Assessment scores. Official transcripts may be uploaded or mailed to KSDE.

Kansas requires that you have your Missouri teaching license first BEFORE you send your application for Kansas so anticipate the delay in processing. The turnaround time varies based upon the volume of applications received. Our certification manager will mail a copy of all certification paperwork for your records.